Monday, May 16, 2016

The Storm of The Lord


The Move of God is as Nahum The Profit said, "In the Whirlwind and the Storm is His Way."
The Storm of The Lord as Jeremiah said brings The Presence that is as dramatic as a storm.
Today the move of God is powerful, bringing Great Change and for those caught up in it are never the same!
Elijah was taken to Heaven in The Storm, leaving Elisha to cry out after him. Today many are caught up in The Move leaving many to wonder. In Nations around the world the power of God is touching down. With so many now with Questions, as the institutions of the world failing, there is a Power moving that can set you Free in spirit, mind and body.
In large gatherings around the world, I have seen Miracles of blind eyes opened, deaf hearing, lame walking and the Oppressed set free. He can do the same for you!
It is evident today that the world is in a Storm, maybe the last one. You are safe as you stand with Him, what is destruction for others can be the deliverance for you!
Call on the God of Elijah for His Healing and Deliverance.
The Answer remains the same, that being Christ Jesus your Friend and Redeemer, Call on Him.
The Holy Spirit is moving world wide, catch the Wind and be lifted. Live Free, it's available.

As I close, let me assure you that a great move of God is Happening and it is a pleasure and humbling to be a part of it. God Really does Love you, let Him.
    Scott  Twitter:@ScottWillLA

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